News Story
Peter Sunderland Wins Poole and Kent Teaching Award for Senior Faculty

Peter Sunderland, currently an Associate Professor within the Department of Fire Protection Engineering, has won the 2017 Poole and Kent Teaching Award for Senior Faculty. Dr. Sunderland will be presented with a plaque and a cash prize at the Clark School Undergraduate Commencement on May 20, 2017.
Sunderland, who received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1995, joined the University of Maryland in 2004. He is a Clark School Keystone professor and UMERC (University of Maryland Energy Research Center) affiliate with expertise in combustion, fire safety, and hydrogen; specifically, hydrogen fuel-cell systems, small-scale power systems, next-generation nuclear reactors, and oil recovery, transport, and processing.
Sunderland has published numerous peer-reviewed journal articles and received multiple awards, including the 2010 NSF Early Career Award. His research has been funded by NASA, NIST, and the National Fire Protection Association.
Sunderland also recently received word that he will be promoted to Professor, effective July 1st.
Published May 19, 2017