News Story
New Entrepreneurship Course Options Offered

Through MTECH Ventures, the Clark School will offer “Fundamentals of Start-up Ventures” in two new summer sessions as well as in the fall, plus the new “Real-Life Cases in Technology Venturing” in the fall only. MTECH Ventures is the Clark School’s initiative to provide entrepreneurship education to technology creators and deliver a portfolio of services and resources to entrepreneurs committed to bridging the gap between technical ideas and viable ventures.
Summer and Fall: ENES 460 – Fundamentals of Start-Up Ventures, also offered as BUSI758A
MTECH Ventures is offering Summer I and Summer II versions of this course, as well as the standard fall session. This three-credit course is open to all students and will help them learn the processes and skills needed to launch and manage new ventures. Students will learn how to assess the feasibility of a startup venture, as well as how to apply best practices for planning, launching, and managing new companies. Students will discuss a wide range of issues of importance and concern to entrepreneurs and learn to recognize opportunity, assess the skills and talents of successful entrepreneurs, and learn models and “rules of thumb” that help them navigate uncertainty. The courses will include lectures as well as notable guest speakers, and will be project-based in the grading format.
Students interested in the summer sessions are invited to contact James V. Green at 301.314.1450.
Students interested in the fall course are invited to contact the instructor, Scott Magids. The fall course will meet on Mondays at 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Fall Only: ENES 498 – Special Topics in Entrepreneurship: Real-Life Cases in Technology Venturing
This three-credit technology entrepreneurship seminar and case study-based course will explore technology entrepreneurship with a focus on leadership, product design and development, and strategies to launch and manage technology ventures. The course will be taught by a practicing entrepreneur who will incorporate his experiences and lessons learned with a series of real-life cases that serve as the learning models for the class. The course will meet on Fridays 11 a.m. - 1:45 p.m. Interested students are invited to contact James V. Green at 301.314.1450.
Published April 20, 2006