News Story
Chellappa Awarded 2012 ICPR King-Sun Fu Prize

Professor Rama Chellappa
Electrical and Computer Engineering Chair and Minta Martin Professor of Engineering Rama Chellappa (ECE/CS/UMIACS/CFAR) has been awarded the 2012 King-Sun Fu Prize. The award will be presented to him at the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) to be held in Tsukuba, Japan, from November 11-15.
This International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) prize honors the memory of Professor King-Sun Fu, an instrumental founder of IAPR. He served as the first president of the organization and is widely recognized as an eminent scholar and pioneer in the field of syntactic and statistical pattern recognition and machine intelligence.
“I am especially honored by this award because as the Goss Distinguished Professor at Purdue, King-Sun Fu taught two courses I took and sat on my MS and Ph.D. committees,” said Chellappa. This award also has significant meaning because many of Professor Chellappa’s mentors are recipients, including: Professor Azriel Rosenfeld, former director of CFAR; his Ph.D. advisor, Professor R.L. Kashyap; and Dr. Thomas Huang, then an ECE professor at Purdue and now at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The award will be presented during the opening ceremony of the ICPR 2012. In accordance with IAPR tradition, Professor Chellappa will deliver the plenary keynote on November 12, 2012, the opening day of ICPR 2012.
This is a biennial prize is bestowed upon a living person in recognition of an outstanding technical contribution to the field of pattern recognition. The recipient is selected by the Prize Committee, subject to approval by the IAPR Governing Board, upon nomination by a member of the national member society of IAPR and endorsed by at least five other members.
For more information, visit this website:
Published August 2, 2012