Leslie A. (Art) '70 & Hanna '84 Wall
Hannelore (Hanna) Gessert Wall and Leslie A. (Art) Wall have been long time Maryland residents. Hanna attended classes at College Park but received her Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in 1984. Art graduated in January 1970 with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland. In 1978, he earned an MSEE in Electro-physics from George Washington University. For over 35 years, Mr. Wall worked for the Federal Communications Commission developing rules and standards for radio frequency devices including transmitters. Art was also a consultant for government and industry for an additional 14 years in the same field. He was International Secretary and Chairman of Subcommittee A (dealing measurements and instrumentation) of the International Special Committee for Radio Interference (CISPR) for over 20 years. Art is a LIFE FELLOW of the Institute of the Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., and an honorary LIFE member of the IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society. Art and Hanna Wall have been married since 1967.
