Faculty Directory

Piomelli, Dr. Ugo

Piomelli, Dr. Ugo

Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Room 3139, Building 088, Glenn L. Martin Hall


Ph.D., Stanford University, 1988


  • Fellow, The Royal Society of Canada, 2015
  • Fellow, Institute of Physics, 2004
  • Fellow, American Physical Society (APS), NASA Langley Research Center Award for Group Accomplishment — Flow Prediction and Control, 1994
  • Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics


Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering; Associate Editor, Journal of Turbulence

  • A. Keating, U. Piomelli, E. Balaras and H--J. Kaltenbach. "A priori and a posteriori tests of inflow conditions for large-eddy simulation," Phys. Fluids, 16, pp. 4696-4712 (2004).
  • A. Keating, U. Piomelli, K. Bremhorst and S. Nesic. "Large-eddy simulation of heat transfer downstream of a backward-facing step," J. of Turbulence, 5, 20 (2004).
  • U. Piomelli, E. Balaras, H. Pasinato, K.D. Squires and P.R. Spalart. "The inner-outer layer interface in large-eddy simulations with wall-layer models," Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow  24,  pp. 538-550 (2003).
  • R. Broglia, A. Pascarelli and U. Piomelli. "Large-eddy simulations of ducts with a free surface," J. Fluid Mech.  484,  pp. 223-253 (2003).
  • A. Scotti and U. Piomelli. "Turbulence models in pulsating flows," AIAA J.  40,  pp. 537-540 (2002).
  • U Piomelli and E. Balaras. "Wall-layer models for large-eddy simulations," Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 34, pp. 349-374 (2002).