News Story
A Fearless Flight

On November 6, 2018, the report, “An Initial Investigation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Real-Time Organ Status Measurement for Transporting Human Organs,” was published in the IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine.
The authors— Stephen T. Bartlett (UMD Medical System, Baltimore); Gil Blankenship (Maryland Development Corporation, Baltimore); Joseph R. Scalea (Assistant Professor, UMD School of Medicine); Matthew Scassero (Unmanned Aircraft Systems Test Site Director, UMD); and Norman Wereley (Minta Martin Professor and Chair of Aerospace Engineering, UMD)—recognize that “if organs could be moved by drone, instead of ill-timed commercial aircraft or expensive charter flights, lifesaving organs could be transplanted more quickly.”
The report goes on to describe how a modified, six-rotor unmanned aircraft system was used to model situations relevant to organ transportation. The tests, which included 14 drone missions and a flight that covered 3 miles, revealed that a kidney could travel safely without damage on a drone. “Organ transportation may be an ideal use-case for drones,” the authors point out. “With the development of faster, larger drones, long-distance drone organ shipment may result in substantially reduced cold ischemia times, subsequently improved organ quality, and thousands of lives saved.”
Recent media coverage of the UAS organ transportation investigation is included below:
Associated Press video interview: Are drones the next big thing in organ donation?
IEEE Spectrum: Maryland Test Confirms Drones Can Safely Deliver Human Organs
Digital Trends: Drones can safely fly a human kidney without damaging it, study shows
We Talk UAV: Need a new organ? Perhaps a drone will deliver one for you…
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association: A Precious Payload
Teslarati: Drone successfully flies human organ transplant between hospitals First ever drone-delivered kidney is no worse for wear Transplant Organ Delivery By Drone Kidney Flown Thousands of Meters by Drone Successfully
Commercial Drone Professional: Drone flies for over an hour to complete first unmanned kidney delivery
ITV News: Human kidney successfully transported by drone in US
Dronelife.Com: Drones Can Do Liver: Maryland Tests Show Potential of Unmanned Organ Transport Drones Deliver Transplant Organs Between Hospitals
Drone DJ: DJI Matrice 600 Pro, first drone to successfully deliver kidney in Maryland test
CNET: Drones can successfully deliver human organs, study shows
Becker’s Hospital Review: Maryland hospital confirms drones can deliver donated organs
The Kidney delivered by drone arrives safely at hospital
Newsweek: Organs By Drone? Unmanned Flying Vehicles Could Soon Carry Body Parts For Human Transplants
The Drive: University of Maryland Researchers Successfully Delivered Kidneys Via Drone Test Flights
WVXU (Cincinnati Public Radio): How Drones Can Help Transport Human Organs
TVNZ.CO.New Zealand: US surgeon hopes delivering donor organs by drone will save precious time
The Australian: Drone Delivers Human Organ to Hospital
Slashdot: Maryland Test Confirms Drones Can Safely Deliver Human Organs Test of Drone Use for Kidney Transplant Delivery Succeeds
Koz Week: U.S. Drone Successfully Delivered a Donated Kidney for Transplant
Aero News Network: University of Maryland Demonstrates Human Organ Transport by Drone Researchers successfully transported a human kidney by drone
RotorDrone Magazine: Organ Transplant via Drone
SUAS Global: First ever drone-delivered kidney is no worse for wear
Tangible Tech: Flying transplant kidneys by drone Drone Successfully Delivers Kidney in New Experiment Maryland drone organ delivery proves successful
Kwonlog: First ever drone-delivered kidney is no worse for wear
Releases First Ever Drone-Delivered Kidney is Not Any Worse for Put On First ever drone-delivered kidney is no worse for wear
UAV: Drones Can Do Liver: Maryland Tests Show Potential of Unmanned Vehicles
NEWZ Cliq: First ever drone-delivered kidney is no worse for wear
Cool Cars and Gadgets: The primary kidney delivered by a drone isn’t worse for put on
Nayana Sri Blog: First ever drone-delivered kidney is no worse for wear
Droid Therapy: First ever drone-delivered kidney is no worse for wear
Recreational Flying: A drone flew for more than an hour to deliver a fresh human kidney—and it arrived healthy
Connex Drones: Delivering Human Organs by Drone
Manager Mint Media: First ever drone-delivered kidney is no worse for wear First ever drone-delivered kidney is no worse for wear
Tecriter: First ever drone-delivered kidney isn’t any worse for put on
EENADU India: Organ transportation through drones—the future! Maryland Test Confirms Drones Can Safely Deliver Human Organs First ever drone-delivered kidney is no worse for wear
The Times of India: Are drones the next big thing in organ donation?
The News World Network: First ever drone-delivered kidney is no worse for wear
Published November 30, 2018