Washington NOVA LEOS Seminar: "Analog Microwave Photonics Device & System Research"

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
6:30 p.m.
Computer Science Instructional Center, Rm. 2117
Dominique Dagenais

Washington NOVA Lasers & Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) Seminar

Date: Tuesday October 30th, 2007

Dr Keith J. Williams

Naval Research Laboratory

Title: "Analog Microwave Photonics Device & System Research"


The ability to remote microwave antennas with optical fiber offers attractive possibilities for new broadband semi-nonintrusive RF systems. These systems must however compete with electrically amplified coax systems which, for 100 meter or shorter links, can exhibit noise figures below 5 dB and dynamic ranges above 170 dB-Hz (compression) and 120 dB-Hz2/3 (single-octave spur-free) with multi-gigahertz instantaneous bandwidths. To achieve low noise figures and maintain dynamic range, externally modulated photonic links must operate with efficient modulators, low noise lasers and high output photocurrents to minimize the electronic gain required from the preamplifier.

While analog photonic systems are beginning to find application in some radar, electronic warfare, and other RF systems, the widespread utilization of photonics has not occurred because of the technical challenges facing component technology. Digital fiber communications applications have been instrumental in developing many of the components needed, however the remaining technical hurdles will have to born by the analog applications due to their unique and demanding performance requirements. This talk will focus on some specific system concepts which require challenging performance requirements for externally-modulated analog microwave photonic links. Specific emphasis will be placed on the recent work being performed to increase modulator efficiency, decrease laser noise, increase detected photocurrent, and increase link linearity.


Keith J. Williams received the B.S. degree, cum laude, in electrical engineering in 1987 from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park, MD, in 1989 and 1994, respectively.

His doctoral dissertation research was conducted in the area of microwave p-i-n photodetector nonlinearities. In 1987 he joined the Optical Techniques Branch of the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, where his research interests include characterization and performance of microwave-optical devices, microwave fiber-optic links and systems, high-speed optoelectronics, new concepts for solving microwave related problems with fiber-optic solutions, and high current photodiodes. He is currently head of the Photonics Technology Branch at NRL, which includes research in microwave photonics, optical communications, laser and amplifier development, and information technology.


IEEE/Lasers & Electro-optics Society (LEOS)


The University of Maryland, College Park, MD


CSIC bldg, Computer Science Instructional Center, Room 2117

The CSI building is adjacent to the A.V William Building

Please note that there is plenty of parking available after 4 PM.

Please follow parking regulations below. Check campus map at



6:00 PM by light refreshments and socializing

6:30 PM : Lecture

Optional dinner following lecture with the speaker at a local restaurant


Dominique Dagenais 301-951-7095 [Dominique_Dagenais@Avanex.com]


From the Beltway [I-495] take MD exit 25, onto Route 1 South

Take Route 1 South, about 2 Miles inside the Beltway,

Make a RIGHT onto Campus Drive, stay on the right-most lane

Make first possible right and A.V. Williams will be on your right side

Route One Coming from the South

Make a LEFT onto Campus Drive, merge on to the right-most lane

Make first possible right and A.V.Williams will be on your right side

A map to the Computer Science Instructional Center can be found under:


Recommended Lots are XX1, XX2 or I*, which are free of charges after 4:00 pm.

Restricted Lots E, EE, & T (until 8:00 pm) will earn you a $75 Parking Ticket!

CHECK the Parking SIGNS to be sure you are in the right Parking Lot.

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Audience: Public 

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