Edo Waks, assistant professor in the Clark School's Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and the Institute for Research in Electronics and
Applied Physics (IREAP), has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Presidential Early
Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on
outstanding scientists and engineers in the early stages of their independent careers. His
research interests include the application of photonic crystals to quantum information processing
and as practical tools in optical telecommunication and sensing.
Assistant professors John Cumings (Department of Materials Science and
Engineering [MSE], pictured) and Joonil Seog (joint, MSE and Fischell Department of Bioengineering), have
won NSF Faculty Early Career Development Awards. Cumings’s proposal is titled “Frustration on
Nanomagnetic Lattices,” and may help to improve information density in magnetic memory technologies.
Seog’s proposal is titled "Direct Observation of Dynamic Self-Assembly at the Single Molecule and
Nanoscale Level," and seeks to explore the behavior of peptides that may be used to develop new
bio-inspired materials.
Professor Amr Baz (mechanical engineering
[ME]) will receive the SPIE Smart Structures and Materials Lifetime Achievement Award for 2011.
The award is presented to a distinguished scientist or engineer in the field of smart structures
and materials to recognize significant service to SPIE as well as lifetime contributions to the
field. SPIE is the former Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers.
Professor Emeritus Joseph Silverman (Department of Materials Science and Engineering [MSE]) received a Lifetime Achievement Award
for his fundamental and applied work in radiation physics and chemistry at the 9th International
Symposium on Ionizing Radiation and Polymers.
Professor Alison Flatau (aerospace engineering
[AE]), interim associate dean for research at the Clark School, was named the recipient of the Aerospace
Educator Award by Women in Aerospace "for her exceptional leadership and dedication to aerospace education
and for her unwavering commitment to the advancement of women in the Aerospace Engineering field."
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Professor Carol Espy-Wilson (ECE/ISR) has been honored
as a 2010 Maryland Innovator of the Year, for "Multi-Pitch Tracking in Adverse Environments," her invention
that radically improves sound quality over cell phones and in hearing aids, among other devices. The award
is sponsored by the Maryland Daily Record.
Norman M. Wereley, Techno-Sciences Professor of Aerospace
Engineering and associate chair of the Department of Aerospace Engineering, was honored with the American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Sustained Service Award (AIAA).
Clark School professor Gottlieb Oehrlein (MSE and IREAP)
has received the 2010 IBM Faculty Award in recognition of his research program's achievements in the area of
nanostructure fabrication, a field important to the computer and electronics industries. The award comes with
a cash prize of $10,000.
Distinguished University Professor of Mechanical
Engineering Ashwani K. Gupta (ME) was awarded the 2010 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Holley
Medal at the International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition in recognition of his efforts in
swirl flow science and engineering.
Clark School Professor James D. Baeder (AE) was named
2010 Engineer of the Year by the National Capital Section of the AIAA.
Professor Thomas E. Murphy (ECE) was among 53 of the
nation's most innovative young engineering educators selected to take part in the National Academy of Engineering
Frontiers of Engineering Education symposium.
Maryland Robotics Center Director and Professor S.K.
Gupta (ME/ISR) and four of his colleagues won the Best Paper Award in the compliant mechanism category at the
34th ASME Mechanism and Robotics Conference. "Design and Fabrication of a Multi-Material Compliant Flapping
Wing Drive Mechanism for Miniature Air Vehicles" was co-authored by Gupta's Ph.D. student Wojciech Bejgerowski;
his former student John Gerdes (B.S. '07 and M.S. '10, ME; now at the Army Research Laboratory); Professor
Hugh Bruck (ME); and Stephen Wilkerson of the Army Research Laboratory.
Nuno Martins has won the 2010 George Axelby Outstanding
Paper Award from the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Control Systems Society. He
shares this award with Munther Dahleh of MIT for their jointly authored paper, "Feedback Control in the
Presence of Noisy Channels: Bode-Like Fundamental Limitations of Performance."
Professors P.S. Krishnaprasad (ECE/ISR) and Cynthia
Moss (psychology/ISR), along with postdoctoral researcher Chen Chiu and research assistant Wei Xian, have won
the 2010 Journal of Experimental Biology Outstanding Paper Prize for "Effects of competitive prey capture on
flight behavior and sonar beam pattern in paired big brown bats, Eptesicus fuscus."
Professor and Associate Chair James A. Milke (fire protection engineering) is president-elect of the Society for Fire Protection Engineers for 2011.
Lewis E. Link, senior research engineer in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and a senior fellow with the Project Management Program, has joined the International Advisory Commission Deltamodel of the Netherlands. The commission will advise the Dutch on their plans for coping with rising sea levels and climate change with respect to their riverine and coastal flood risk reduction efforts.
Carol Espy-Wilson (ECE/ISR) has been appointed to the National Advisory Board on Medical Rehabilitation Research, which advises the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research at the National Institutes of Health.
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering professor Richard V. Calabrese has been elected to the Chemical Technology Operating Council of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. The council oversees the Institute's publications, meetings and industry technology alliances, as well as its divisions, forums, and select committees.
Nikola Ivanov, faculty research assistant and senior technical advisor at the Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory was nominated and elected as the new president of the Intelligent Transportation Society of Maryland for the upcoming year.
Department of Materials Science and Engineering Assistant Research Scientist Hui Wu received the Pittsburgh Diffraction Society's 2010 Sidhu Award. The award is presented biannually to scientists who are within six years of having earned a Ph.D. or its equivalent, and who have made outstanding contributions to the fields of crystallography and diffraction.
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Professor Herbert Rabin, former director of the Maryland Technology Enterprise
Institute (Mtech), senior associate dean and former interim dean of the Clark School, received the University
of Maryland President's Medal. The award is the highest bestowed by the university and recognizes a member
of the College Park community who has made extraordinary contributions to the social, intellectual and cultural
life of the campus.
CEE Professor Allen P. Davis is the recipient of the 2009
Outstanding Faculty Research Award from the Clark School. Davis was recognized for his work on bioretention.
He did the first fundamental research on nature-based bioretention in the late 1990s and has become
the international expert on bioretention and related natural stormwater management technologies.
MSE Professor Ichiro Takeuchi has been elected a fellow of the American
Physical Society (APS). The Council of the APS cited Takeuchi "for pioneering contributions to the
creation of novel classes of materials using combinatorial synthesis and probing their properties with
novel probes." He is the fourth member of the MSE faculty, and the second in the past three years, to
become an elected fellow of the APS. Takeuchi is one of the relatively few scientists worldwide who
specializes in combinatorial materials science.
ECE Professors Shuvra Bhattacharyya and Min Wu
(also an ISR affiliate, pictured) have been elected as new fellows of the IEEE. Bhattacharyya was
recognized for his significant contributions to design optimization for signal processing, while Wu
was recognized for her significant contributions to multimedia security and forensics.
AE Associate Professor Pino Martin and Assistant
Professor Derek Paley have been elected associate
fellows of the AIAA. This grade is awarded to AIAA members who have demonstrated a successful
practice in the arts, sciences, or technology of aeronautics.
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Steven A. Gabriel (CEE; co-director of the Master of Engineering and Public
Policy Program) was the general chair for the 4th Annual Trans-Atlantic Infraday conference, whose theme
was "Network Modeling and Infrastructure Policy for the Long Term." Gabriel also was a keynote speaker at the Ninth Annual
Conference on Applied Infrastructure Research held at the Technische Universität. His talk was on the
interaction between natural gas and intermittent renewable energy for power production such as wind. In addition, Gabriel was a keynote speaker at the Renewable Energy Research Conference, Renewable Energy Beyond
2020. His talk was titled "Renewable Energy and Natural Gas, A Good Match or a Mismatch."
Ali Haghani, CEE professor and chair, was invited to give a keynote speech at
the Seventh International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Studies and the 10th International
Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals.
Professor K. J. Ray Liu delivered a plenary keynote at the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, the premier conference in image and video processing. Liu's talk was titled "Multimedia Social Networking: A New Paradigm for Signal and Image Processing." He also gave an invited talk at The Chinese University of Hong Kong as part of the Shun Hing Distinguished Lecture Series. His talk was titled "Reverse Engineering of Electronic Devices: An Information Forensic Paradigm."
Professor Anthony Ephremides (ECE/ISR) gave plenary talks at the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, where he spoke on “The Audacity of Throughput—A Trilogy of Rates,” and at the IEEE Globecom Conference, where his talk was titled "To Schedule or Not to Schedule: The Conundrum of Channel Access." He also toured Sweden as a distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Communication Society and guest of four major universities of Sweden. He lectured on problems of integration between physical and upper layers in wireless networks in the areas of stable throughput, rate control, and delay. He spoke at the Royal Technical University, the University of Linkoepping, Lund University and Chalmers Technical Institute.
Professor John Baras (ECE/ISR) gave the invited plenary lecture at the 9th International Federation of Automatic Control International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems. His lecture was titled “Architectures, Modularity and Robustness in Networked Control System.” He also gave an invited semi-plenary lecture at the 19th International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. His lecture was titled “Dynamic 'Magic' Graphs in Cooperative Networked Systems.”
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Professor and Distinguished Scholar-Teacher K. J. Ray Liu (ECE) and alumna
Beibei Wang (Ph.D. ’09, electrical engineering), co-authored a new book titled Cognitive Radio Networking
and Security: A Game-Theoretic View.
Professor Shuvra Bhattacharyya (ECE/University of Maryland Institute for Advanced
Computer Studies) has published a new book titled Handbook of Signal Processing Systems. The handbook was
published by Springer, and co-editors of the book include E. F. Deprettere, Rainer Leupers, and Jarmo Takala
Professor John S. Baras (ECE/ISR), and ECE/ISR alumnus George Theodorakopoulos (M.S. '04 and Ph.D. '07, electrical engineering), a senior researcher at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, have published a new book titled Path Problems in Networks.
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Distinguished University Professor Emeritus Jan Sengers is one of the editors of Applied Thermodynamics of Fluids, a new book offered by the Royal Society of Chemistry, the largest professional organization for the chemical sciences in Europe.
ISR Director Reza Ghodssi (ECE) is a guest editor for a special proceedings of the Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, "Selected papers from the 9th International Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS 2009)."
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AE Professor and Chair Mark Lewis wrote an article for Aerospace Engineering
Magazine and was interviewed by Voice of America, Smithsonian Air & Space Magazine, WUSA (CBS, Washington,
D.C.) and New Scientist on topics related to the Space Shuttle program, lasers, building rockets and
what it's like to be chief scientist of the U.S. Air Force.
Professor and Chair Patrick O'Shea (ECE) was interviewed by the Washington Post,
WYPR (NPR, Baltimore) and Federal News Radio on cybersecurity issues and the opening of the Maryland
Cybersecurity Center, which O'Shea co-directs.
ECE Assistant Research Scientist Mehdi Kalantari (Ph.D. '05, electrical engineering) and his bridge sensor technology were featured by WTTG (FOX, Washington, D.C.) and The Baltimore Sun.
Discover Magazine and MSNBC covered battery research by professors Reza Ghodssi (ECE and ISR) and Chunsheng Wang (ChBE).
ECE Visiting Research Scientist Igor Smolyaninov was quoted by Discovery News and Science News Magazine on warp speed and metamaterials.
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