HAMLET is an online resource of engineering simulations and models. HAMLET stands for:
Hierarchical Asynchronous and Multimedia Learning using Electronic Textbooks.
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Jump to category: Statics and mechanics of Materials | Dynamics
To view the 3D applets below,
you will need the latest Java plugins:
• Java Runtime Environment ( JRE6 update 11, or later )
• Java3D (
1.5.1 or later)
NOTE: You may need to close/reopen your browser after
installing the plugins. |
Shows Shear, Moment and
Deflection diagrams for variable loadings. To run applet click image. |
Interactive display of Mohr's Circle.
To run applet click image. |
Force on a weight resting on an inclined plane, will it slip,
tip, or stay right there? To run the applet click image. |
Calculates centroid, moment of inertia
for user configured cross-sections. To run applet click image. |
Problem involves a rope, two pulleys
and two weights, along with a free body diagram of one of the
pulleys. To run applet click image. |
This applet shows a 3D
representation of vectors, calculates vector
sum, difference, cross products and dot product. To run the applet click image. |
Shows the velocities and
accelerations of an ant, rotating bar and a truck. To run the applet click image. |
Collision2D applet. To
run the applet click image. |
Applet shows a disk
rotating inside a cylinder. The velocity of any point on the disk may be shown graphically
by clicking on a location on the diskl. To run the applet click image. |
Shows IC point for a rod and
piston system, to calculate the velocity of the piston. To run the applet click image. |
Angular Momentum applet.
To run the applet click image. |
Work and Energy relations are used
for a weight attached to a wheel. To run the applet click image. |
Shows the motion of a spinning top based for steady
precession. To run applet click image. |
Analyze forces on an accelerating motorcycle,
see what it takes to do a wheely. To run applet click image. |