The Clark School's spring 2013 semester marked a very active, successful, and productive period for the Clark
School and for our engineering community at the University of Maryland.
Here are some examples:
Engineers at the University of Maryland have developed a nano-scale battery using wood components. The multidisciplinary team led by researchers Liangbing Hu in Materials Science and Engineering and Teng Li in Mechanical Engineering discovered that a sliver of wood coated with tin could make a tiny, long-lasting, efficient and environmentally friendly battery. Their wood battery was featured in an NPR Morning Edition story. Learn more here.
Startup Shell, located in the TAP Building. Complete with mentors, a device lab, and a work space, the Startup Shell offers students resources to get their startup to the next level. This summer, students from Maryland as well as other schools, such as Harvard, Brown, and Princeton, have made use of the space, sharing ideas and resources and advancing their innovative ideas. Learn more here.
Clark School Professor of Mechanical Engineering and former President of the University of Maryland, C.D. (Dan) Mote, Jr., began his six-year term as the president of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) on July 1. Founded in 1964, the NAE is a private, independent, nonprofit institution that provides engineering leadership in service to the nation. The NAE has more than 2,000 peer-elected members and foreign associates, senior professionals in business, academia, and government who are among the world’s most accomplished engineers. Learn more here.
The Clark School of Engineering continues to maintain its high rankings. In the U.S. News and World Report 2014 Best Graduate Schools survey, the Clark School and 5 of its departments were rated in the top 25 in their categories.
The Clark School of Engineering and the Warren Citrin Graduate Fellowships for Entrepreneurial Engineering Students were ranked as top programs in the USA Today and Princeton Review 2013 Grad School Guide.
A study by Aviation Week ranked the University of Maryland among the top three "Go-To Universities" based upon preferred campuses for hiring new graduates in critical skills areas. Learn more here.
The beginning of 2013 was a period of growth and success at the
Clark School, and we are ready to accomplish even more. Learn how you can get involved by exploring this newsletter and our
web site to find initiatives of interest to you. Thank you, as always, for your support.
Darryll Pines
Dean and Farvardin Professor