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Technology Entrepreneurship



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Technology Entrepreneurship

MTESThe Maryland Technology Extension Service (MTES), which offers manufacturing solutions to Maryland companies, had a $115.6 million economic impact statewide from January 2000 through June 2006. MTES assisted Maryland manufacturers in: increasing sales by $20.2 million; retaining sales by $60.1 million; saving $6.8 million in costs; saving $7.3 million in investments; avoiding $9.1 million in unnecessary investments; and increasing plant or equipment investment by $12.1 million. MTES helped manufacturers create or retain 784 jobs.

MIPSThe Maryland Industrial Partnerships Program (MIPS) approved 23 new research projects teaming faculty with Maryland companies to develop commercial products. The projects included developing potential cures for both cancer and HIV, as well as technologies to recognize terror suspects, concealed weapons, and explosives. Worth $4.5 million, the projects include $1.6 million from MIPS and $2.9 million from Maryland companies. All of the funding goes to commercially directed university research.

MTES/MDEA joint program of the Maryland Technology Extension Service and the Maryland Department of the Environment received a Most Valuable Pollution Prevention (MVP2) Project/Program Award from the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable. The winning program, called the Maryland Department of the Environment /Maryland Technology Extension Service Environmental Management System Implementation Assistance Program, has worked with 30 companies in the state in adopting environmental management system programs.

IBIInnovative Biosensors Inc., an MTECH Ventures portfolio company that develops rapid, ultra-sensitive tests to detect harmful pathogens, is a recipient of The Maryland Daily Record’s Innovator of the Year 2006 Award. The award recognizes Maryland residents and companies that have created new products, services, programs or processes that have had a positive effect on their businesses, industries or communities.
PixelligentPixelligent, an MTECH Ventures portfolio nanotechnology company that creates technology to make computer chips smaller, was named best new incubator company at the 2006 Maryland Incubator Companies of the Year Awards. The award publicly recognizes achievements by current clients and graduates of Maryland incubators and provides a forum for the nominees to increase their visibility in the business, technology and investment communities.

BootcampMore than 300 aspiring entrepreneurs from 23 universities across the Mid-Atlantic region attended the University of Maryland Technology Start-Up Boot Camp, hosted by MTECH Ventures. The boot camp is an intensive, one-day workshop and networking event focused on launching new ventures.

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