Learn how the Engineering Career Services Office can help you with your job search. We will review basic job search strategies, the difference between a co-op and an internship, how to use our jobs database, Careers4Engineers.

Looking for work as an international student can be daunting. Learn some of the cultural norms of the US work world and how to effectively focus your job search efforts. We will also review basic job search strategies, the process for enrolling in CPT, and how to use our jobs database, Careers4Engineers. You do not need to attend our other workshop Find an Internship (or Co-op!) if you attend this workshop.

Writing an effective resume is essential to obtaining interviews. This workshop reviews the fundamental information that should be included, proper formatting, how to make yourself stand out, and common mistakes students make.

How can you prepare to impress in your next interview? We will discuss what to wear, what to bring, and what (not) to say.

Bring your resume and your laptop. Get started with LinkedIn, with the help of a peer advisor. Draft a headline and summary that will catch recruiters' attention.

In this workshop, we discuss how to prepare and what to expect for a Virtual Career Fair. Learn about the benefits of completing your profile early so that you have the best chance of moving forward in the interview process. You are also encouraged (but not required) to pair this workshop with the LinkedIn101 workshop as many interested employers may decide to look further into your qualifications and background.

Need help with your job search? Learn about the most effective job strategies and tools beyond Careers4Engineers. Practice building your professional network at events and online.

Within academia, the curriculum vitae (CV) is used as a means of application for employment, funding, fellowships, and grants. The CV is a comprehensive history of your career path and it will grow in length as you gain related experience. Resumes are shorter documents more commonly used in industry. We’ll discuss format and content of each type of document.

The cover letter can be the key to getting an interview. In this workshop, we discuss how to write an effective cover letter for a specific job application. We recommend that participants bring a job description for a position that interests them.

Be ready when you receive your first job offer! We'll discuss salary research and negotiation, evaluating multiple job offers, and asking for more time to make a decision.

This workshop offers tips on job search strategies and how you can increase your employability. Use the winter break for your professional development.

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