Clark School Alumni e-Newsletter

First UMERC Director Brings New Energy Expertise and Leadership

WachsmanEric Wachsman, an expert on solid oxide fuel cells, has been named the first director of the University of Maryland Energy Research Center (UMERC). Wachsman spearheaded the creation of the Florida Institute on Sustainable Energy at the University of Florida in Gainesville. At the Clark School he will have appointments in the Departments of Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. UMERC, which will be housed in refurbished space in the Engineering Laboratory Building adjacent to Martin Hall, currently includes 45 faculty members from the Clark School and five other University of Maryland colleges.

Clark School Students Win National NASA Competition

Clark School aerospace engineering students won in the undergraduate category and placed second in the graduate category at this year's NASA Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts – Academic Linkage (RASC-AL) student design competition. The goal of this year's contest was to design a lunar flying vehicle.

Alumni Board Update: Meet Greg Wollard, President-Elect

WollardGreetings to my fellow Terp Engineers! My name is Gregg Wollard, B.S. ’89, civil engineering. The aviation field has been the focus of my career and currently I work for National and Dulles Airports in support of various planning and development initiatives. I have worked on the Clark School's Engineering Alumni Chapter Board for seven years, helping promote and grow alumni participation and membership. As your president-elect, I hope to do even more in this regard, and encourage you to contact me, our new alumni director Josey Simpson, or other board members to learn how you can participate, whether as a mentor, recruiter, or donor. If you’re an avid golfer like me, a great first step would be to join us this September 23rd for our 6th annual golf outing. Meet me, other Clark School alums, and Clark School faculty members, and help support scholarships for our students.

Great Expectations: S. D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation Establishes Scholarship

The S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation has pledged $45,000 a year for four years to establish seven full scholarships that will support students majoring in civil and environmental engineering, electrical and computer engineering or mechanical engineering, especially underrepresented minorities. To learn more about the Great Expectations campaign and how you can make a difference through scholarships and fellowships, please contact Leslie Borak.

Clark School Alumni Spotlight – Hubble Telescope Terps

Hubble TerpsClark School engineers continue to contribute extensively in space exploration. The latest example is in the recent NASA mission to service the Hubble Space Telescope. Pictured in the Shuttle Atlantis payload bay in preparation for launch at Kennedy Space Center are (from left to right): Mike Oetken (B.S. '99, mechanical engineering [ME]), Mark Peden (B.S. '87, aerospace engineering [AE]), Kathy Mascetti (B.S. '86, ME), Jackie Johnson (B.S. '94, ME) and Steve Hoyle (B.S. '89, AE). Other Clark School alumni involved in the mission include: Meg Meehan (B.S. '06, AE), Steve Leiter (B.S. '82, AE), Charlie Bacon (B.S. '05, AE), Torchia Kelly (B.S. '89, AE), Albert Larsen (M.Eng. '99), Wes Ousley (B.S. '77, ME), Josh Yeager (B.S. '07, electrical engineering) and Mark Behnke (B.S. '83, AE). Thanks to Russ Werneth (B.S. '64 and M.S. '68, ME), who also worked on the mission, for sending us the above photo and information!

Blast from the Past: Help Us Uncover Clark School History

Mystery PhotoDo you recognize anyone in this photo? Send any information you have to Missy Corley. The first three people to help us identify the people pictured will receive a Clark School t-shirt! Thanks to Elisa Martinez Dunn (B.S. '93, chemical engineering) for letting us know that she recognized Diane Tamai (B.S. '92, engineering) as the girl in the yellow shirt in last month's photo.

Vint Cerf Talk Available Online

Vint Cerf, vice president and chief Internet evangelist at Google, spoke at the Clark School earlier this year as part of the Booz Allen Hamilton Colloquium in Electrical and Computer Engineering. His talk, "Tracking the Internet in the 21st Century," is available online.

Clark School of Engineering Alumni and Faculty Golf Outing, September 23

Come out for an afternoon of fun and networking with your friends and fellow alumni at the 6th Annual Clark School Engineering Alumni and Faculty Golf Outing and Banquet at the newly-renovated UM Golf Course. Shotgun start is at 2 p.m. An awards banquet and silent auction will immediately follow. If you would like to assist the Alumni Chapter Board in planning this tournament, please contact Josey Simpson. Registration and information about tournament sponsorships are available online.

Reunion Volunteers Needed from the Classes of '49, ’59, ’69 and ’84

This year's reunion classes of 1949, 1959, 1969 and 1984, please mark your calendars for October 15, when the Clark School will hold its Engineering Alumni Reunion. All Clark School alumni from the Class of '58 and prior are also welcome to join us! More details coming soon! If you are a member of any of these classes and would like to help plan the reunion, please contact Josey Simpson ’84, director of alumni relations, at 301.405.2150 or

Volunteer Opportunities for Clark School Alumni

The Engineering Alumni Chapter Board of Directors is seeking alumni who are interested in helping the Clark School continue to excel. If you are interested in learning how you can help the Clark School, contact Josey Simpson ’84, director of alumni relations at 301.405.2150 or

Your Name Here—Sponsorship Opportunities

Thanks to Corporate Partner Booz Allen Hamilton for sponsoring this month’s edition of the Clark School's e-newsletter. There are many chances throughout the year to put your name and support behind the activities of the Clark School. Sponsorship opportunities include not only this e-newsletter but also alumni receptions and student projects! Contact us to learn how you can make a difference!

Find Work with Our Corporate Partners

Are you looking for a job? The Clark School's Corporate Partners are always looking to fill positions with experienced engineers! Below are direct links to their recruiting web sites:

Alumni Notes

Each month, we randomly select a name from Alumni Notes to win a Clark School t-shirt! This month’s winner is Gregory Jakubowski! Don’t miss your chance to win the next t-shirt – send us your news today by emailing Josey Simpson.

Jenna M. Aidikoff (B.S. '09, bioengineering) received the Maryland Top 100 Women Circle of Excellence Scholarship award from Baltimore's Maryland Daily Record newspaper in recognition of her academic work at the Clark School and her research on Down syndrome at the Kennedy Krieger Institute.

Kevin A. Boulais (Ph.D. '96, electrical engineering) was named a "Top Navy Scientist and Engineer of the Year" by the U.S. Navy, along with three other electrical engineering alumni (see Fischer, Neumann and Stimak below).

Richard Fischer (B.S. '84, M.S. '86 and Ph.D. '93, electrical engineering) was named a "Top Navy Scientist and Engineer of the Year" by the U.S. Navy.

Gregory Ghent (B.S. '02, civil engineering) is a project manager at James G. Davis Construction Group in Rockville, Md.

Gregory Jakubowski (B.S. '85, fire protection engineering) is a principal and chief engineer at Fire Planning Associates. In addition, he is fire chief of the Lingohocken (Penn.) Fire Co. and was recently recognized for serving 20 years as a contributor to FireRescue Magazine and its predecessor, Firefighter's News.

Andrew Milliken (B.S. '06, fire protection engineering) is chief deputy fire marshal with the Stafford County (Va.) Fire and Rescue Department.

Jonathan G. Neumann (B.S. '00, M.S. '02 and Ph.D. '05, electrical engineering) was named a "Top Navy Scientist and Engineer of the Year" by the U.S. Navy.

Eric Ofei (M.S. '06, civil engineering) is a project engineer with Professional Service Industries Inc., in Fairfax, Va.

George Stimak (M.S. '76, electrical engineering, and MBA '83) was named a "Top Navy Scientist and Engineer of the Year" by the U.S. Navy. Stimak is a program officer at the Office of Naval Research.

Joseph Zari (B.S. '04, fire protection engineering) is engaged to Stacy Ward. Joseph is a building code consultant with Schirmer Engineering Corp. in Concord, Calif.

In Memoriam

Over the past month, we were saddened to learn of the deaths of Roland Ebner (B.S. '43, mechanical engineering) and Donald J. Schuerholz Sr. (B.S. '47, mechanical engineering).

Tell Us Your News

Clark School Alumni, we produce this e-newsletter so we can tell you about the school, but also so you can tell your fellow alumni about yourselves. Send us news about your recent career moves and personal events and we will include them in upcoming issues. Please send your news to

Feel Free to Forward!

We encourage you to forward this message to friends and colleagues! If you do not normally receive this e-newsletter and would like to sign-up for it, please send email to

This e-mail was approved for distribution by Josefina P. Simpson '84,
director of alumni relations.

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Booz Allen Hamilton

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Alumni Calendar

Clark School News

S. D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation Establishes Scholarship

Humbert Honored by Local AIAA Chapter

Clark School Professors Win Nanobiotech Grants

GM Showcases Fuel Cell Vehicles

SAIC Funds New Entrepreneurial Startup Lab

Clark School Wins at NASA Competition

New Certificate Available for Technology Entrepreneurs

Alumnus Named "Top Navy Scientist/Engineer"

Skibniewski Receives Honorary Degree

UM Receives NSA Designation

Clark School Names First UMERC Director

Clark School Holds 2009 Commencement

Mtech Offers New Summer Online Course

Students Sweep National Composite Wing Competition

Varna Receives Litton Fellowship

Dean's Master's Student Research Awards Announced

ME Student Awarded the 2009 University Medal

Radio Show to Feature WIE

Abed to Join UAE University

Clark School Honors Its Own

Staff Honored for Clark School/UM Service

Mote Elected NAE Treasurer

UMERC/Nanocenter Team Named "Energy Frontier" Center

Fischell Festival Video Now Online

And $75K in Prizes Goes to…

Media Coverage

The Cumberland Times-News featured a recent talk by alumnus Thomas Kooken on the history of Westernport, Md.

The Washington Times covers Jenna Aidikoff's selection as the Maryland Top 100 Women Circle of Excellence Scholarship winner.

The Daytona Beach News-Journal features alumnus Jim Bannerman's work with the Florida Commemorative Air Force Wing.

The Frederick News-Post features an alum's involvement with the Hubble telescope.

The Associated Press asks a Clark School student for advice on dealing with stress in college.

Departmental & Institute News

Aerospace Engineering


Biological Resources Engineering

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Fire Protection Engineering

Materials Science Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute

Institute for Physical Science and Technology

Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics

Institute for Systems Research

Maryland NanoCenter

Center for Advanced Transportation Technology

Project Management Graduate Program

Office of Advanced Engineering Education

Master's Program in Telecommunications

Women in Engineering

Inspiring Women

Women's Community Alumnae, have you joined the Clark School's Women's Community?

Get Geared Up

Clark School Merchandise Order Clark School merchandise now at the Alumni Store!

Save The Date!

Golf Tournament
The next Clark School Alumni and Faculty Golf Outing will be September 23!

Great Expectations